Tuesday 28 September 2010

Loner's Tip No. 8 - The Pigeon And The Spider

Never had I thought that one day I will, among all the things which man can count as favorites, have a favorite villain as well. My favorite villain is Lord Voldemort – the most powerful dark wizard, ruthless, born out of a loveless union, incapable to feel or even comprehend love. He is shrewd and cruel, a planner who knows how and when to corner his enemy, render him alone and away from all good people and things, render him helpless and vulnerable. And then he would play with the enemy’s mind, show him things that don’t exist, make him scared, make him abandon all things worth doing and all people worth being with. He weakens the victim in body and mind. He makes him believe in the ‘easy’ turning the victim like him. And when the victim is all alone, weak, defenseless, begging for relief, the ‘merciful’ Lord would then oblige – he would strike the final blow. Like a spider he would watch the prey struggle in its web and then – game over. He would not play any more like most play with their food, like innocuous children pull a scared puppy’s legs.

Anybody feels like they know Mr Voldemort? There is another thing sharing all the traits of my favorite villain. Isn’t that description paralleling the very anatomy of loneliness – something that’s born in our hearts when all love, peace and hope is sucked out; something that makes us want nothing but a moment of loneliness even if it comes at someone else’ cost; something that assumes complete control of our minds and hearts like a lustful man or woman and repeatedly makes us feel that the goodness of life was being distributed, an enemy had put 'Do Not Disturb' on your door. It makes us ask again and again, each time louder than the previous – why me – when the sensible thing to be asked would have been – why not him / her? It even makes us want all bad things to happen to another when in our sane minds we would have sheepishly argued that we must not wish or act on something which we would not like to happen to ourselves. Loneliness, it seems, then becomes the thin line separating the Gandhis of our hearts to Hitlers of our minds.

We are left alone and hurt by all that and all those we can't control. I haven't known anything more potent than fear, money and love, when it comes to alienating man from man, turning them against each other as if they were healthy cocks bred by their masters only to win cock fights. Unlike the proverbial cock, the human at the receiving end suffers, less in body, more in heart. Then the demon of loneliness, our own version of Voldemort overtakes us and turns the weak into him while the strong get nothing but a seemingly unending era of unjustified and undeserved suffering.

Do we have a choice? Yes we do. We always do and its a pity that not all know that apart from credit cards and beautiful-but-bitchy-women-in-the-family-serials, there is a choice as well – either give in to your Voldemort and be sullen, down, secretly begging for pity, or tell your troubled heart that the darker the night becomes, the closer the day gets. You can’t see doesn’t mean it won’t come. It will. It has to. For it’s the very nature of ‘nature’. So kick it out of your mind like an itchy stray dog and don’t let it control you. Go into the sunlight feeling the warmth of it on your skin and enjoying the light while it lasts. If you liked to sing while you drive, sing. If you like to cook something untried before, cook. If you like to dance in the private theater of your room and heart, dance. Do everything you’d have otherwise done. Do all this despite a heart so heavy with troubles that it threatens to fall out through the same routes the body takes to cleanse itself every morning. As if that ‘thing’ didn’t happen at all. As if you’re the happiest man or woman on this earth. Till now your troubles laughed at you? Mock them. Tease them now, for they can no longer control your heart no matter what happens. Be the bird you always wanted to be.

Feel the desire of happiness and not the jealousy on someone else’s happiness. And the bad day will pass. I have never known one that hasn’t passed. Some just take longer, but they all pass on. If happiness doesn’t last forever, why would troubles?

Go tell your heart that All Izz Well. Mine is ‘It will pass’. It always does.

Images and text are copyright of the author.

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